steve vai, sexy june six

what i got for you in June is the sexy guitarist Mr. Steve Vai. I’m not the biggest fan of him, but his work put him between my notable guitarists top list with all my respect. born in June 6 1960, Steven Siro Vai began his guitar learning at the age of 13 and took guitar lesson from Joe Satriani in 1974. he met some notable virtuosos and musicians where those moments were his vital parts in his own great work and stylish guitar playing.

“I enjoy challenging myself to come up with new ideas that I believe are unique.” – steve vai

Vai started his recording career in 1980 playing with Frank Zappa and has since recorded and toured with Alcatrazz, Whitesnake, David Lee Roth and Public Image Ltd. Since 1983 Vai also released his own studio albums. His discography consists of eight studio albums, two EP’s, two special albums, eight live albums, twelve soundtracks, twenty compilation albums and seven videos. Vai has been awarded three Grammy Awards and forty other awards. Vai also appeared as a guest musician on forty-four albums, playing with artists like Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne and Gregg Bissonette and most recently for the second time with Joe Jackson.

steve vai as appeared on “crossroads” movie

his creative use of the floating vibrato is possibly the most thing people acknowledged by. and he’s best at it. melodic parts he used create odd-futuristic style, yet he likes to mimicking human voices and other unusual sound. i think that kind of style which makes him as an ibanez guy. his signature Ibanez JEM guitar series clearly said that.

one interesting thing is that he is a vegetarian and says a great thing about it:

It has affected my music in a way I believe that what we put in our bodies has a reflection on the way we think. And the way we think has a reflection on what we create. So I can’t tell you consciously how being a vegetarian affected my music but I’m sure it has. I think everyone has to find what’s right for them. I don’t judge anybody for what they eat. That’s their world and everybody has to find what resonates with them.

ever wonder how it tastes? go ask steve vai

well, honestly i knew this guy as one of G3 at first, then the next thing i know is that this guy is one of a kind, so far..
great man. happy birthday sir

Being Mr. V (the guitarist who own flying V guitar)

flying V guitar
Mr. V

yes, first you gotta let me using that title, then I’ll show you some dreams.

who’s the first?
yes, Gibson is the first brand which launched the flying V guitar. it was in 1958, The  flying V guitar designs were meant to a futuristic image of Gibson brand. Lonnie Mack and Albert King were considered the first user of this guitar model. Dave Davies and Jimi Hendrix started using it in the mid-late 1960s.

what is the first next thing happened?
of course, the variants. Flying V2, Reverse Flying V, V Bass are the next generations of Gibson flying V guitars.

who’s got the thrill?
the metal heads. this guitar model has a strong and masculine look, so impressive and it becomes one of first choice for metal genre. Dean V with V shaped Dean Headstock and V shaped tailpiece, KKV (Kerry King V), also known as the Speed V, designed by kerry king for B.C. Rich guitars, Jackson King V, and Randy Rhoads has his Jackson Randy Rhoads series.

so, do you want to put these guitars as one of your weapon?
i do,.. it’s kind of cute if i have one of flying V guitar. still, I’m not sure which brand should i go with because Gibson Explorer is what actually on my mind right now. thanks to this guy on the pic down here