The standard Guitar tunings assign the string pitches as E, A, D, G, B, and high E to the open strings of guitars. By convention, the notes are ordered from lowest to highest. These particular pitches are used by the majority of guitarists. why? Standard Guitar tuning made our left hand moves easily to play scales and chords with simple fingering there the best way of tuning your guitar in standard tuning? yes, and probably there are several ways in tuning your guitar. basically EADGBE tuning notes are from low-to-high note order, WHILE the guitar strings order starts from the thinnest string as first string, so we can see them like this:- 1st String is high E note(e), which its Scientific pitch notation is E4 and its frequency is 329.63 Hz
– 2nd StringĀ isĀ B note (B), which its Scientific pitch notation is B3 and its frequency is 246.94 Hz
– 3rd StringĀ is G note (G), which its Scientific pitch notation is G3 and its frequency is 196.00 Hz
– 4th StringĀ is D note (D), which its Scientific pitch notation isĀ D3 and its frequency is 146.83 Hz
– 5th StringĀ isĀ A note (A), which its Scientific pitch notation isĀ A2 and its frequency is 110.00 Hz
– 6th String is low E note (E), which its Scientific pitch notation isĀ E2 and its frequency is 82.41 Hznow you see that you can get chromatic note progression from the low E open string on the 6th string, move forward from first fret to fourth fret in linear order, then it goes to the A note on open 5th string, then move linearly along the frets, to the next strings. you will find on the 3rd string that the fourth fret represent the open 2nd string note and.. bla..(this will be a long one, so..)
into conclusion!
tuning your guitar in standard tuning can be achieved by:
– the open 1st string note represents the fifth fret’s note on the 2nd string
– the open 2nd string note represents the fourth fret’s note on the 3rd string
– the open 3rd string note represents the fifth fret’s note on the 4th string
– the open 4th string note represents the fifth fret’s note on the 5th string
– the open 5th string note represents the fifth fret’s note on the 6th string
so, all you have to do is getting at least one of the string in the right-tuned note, then you can refine the other strings notes.
how to get the right note for tuning? first of all, our ears are the main tuning instrument. based on your hearing you can get the note references from almost any audible sources, such as mp3, keyboards, tuning forks, even from your friends’ tuned guitar. we might/may/must(?) need to get used to the notes sound since tuned guitar is the first step of any guitar learning. an online guitar tuner on this blog will be a big and fast help in tuning your guitar with audible notes. go to this page.
what if there are no decent audible source for the references in tuning guitar? haha, that’s easy question. what works for me is a built-in tuner on my BOSS GT-8 digital effects pedal, and i bought BOSS Chromatic Tuner TU-3
for my analog pedals chain (i haven’t made any pedalboard yet, still figuring out about the best chain order for my analog pedals).
yep, this helps my tuning section before i start my gigs. well i didn’t exactly buy BOSS Chromatic Tuner TU-3. it was a good deal actually, i exchanged my guitar for some cash plus this BOSS Chromatic Tuner TU-3. here i share few pics of it.
so is there any special things for this boss Chromatic Tuner TU-3? well, let me put it in simple way. for me there are some needs, those are the need for accuracy, durability, and versatility. BOSS Chromatic Tuner TU-3
has them. you should have one.