Fun in basic, Major Chords

Actually,  first guitar playing is my friend’s, singing accompanied by guitar rhythm and chords. Earlier, what i saw on TV was Kurt Cobain playing “About a Girl” song on MTV unplugged, left-handed guitar playing with drunk-whatever-style. That was my first love on guitar. It wasn’t anything like long-haired Joe Satriani “always with me, always with you” video-clip. As everyone see, i see a guitar as a companion, a friend.What I’m trying to say is, the chords had met me earlier than scales or modes, those chords inspire every kids to learn and love guitar, from ancient until now and for the next future. what a amazing thing… now i guess it’s time to continue the tradition, sharing things which can keep us stay in rhythmic life. THE CHORDS !this post brings the major chords, as they are easy to listen and to learn. Major chords consist of the root, the third and the fifth notes. what we have on C major chord are C (root note), E(third note) and G (fifth note).. here i share some chords those come in handy to learn for the first time.

guitar chord
C (root note), E(third note) and G (fifth note)

since this is basic, there will be no complicated stuff here. all we have to do is memorizing the notes those build the Major chords : do(1st) – mi(3rd) – sol(5th)

on D major chord, it will be : D(1st) – F#(3rd) – A(5th)

guitar chord
D(1st) – F#(3rd) – A(5th)
guitar chord
E(1st) – F#(3rd) – G#(5th)


guitar chord
F(1st) – A(3rd) – Bb(5th)
guitar chord
G(1st) – B(3rd) – D(5th)
guitar chord
A(1st) – C#(3rd) – E(5th)
guitar chord
B(1st) – D#(3rd) – F#(5th)

hope everyone likes my coloring 🙂

(Part 2) May the 4th be with you, The Circle of Fourths

on Part 1, we already had C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db as the major key. Circle of fourths diagram, the last note will be F# or Gb. here I prefer using Gb, since our topic is circle of fourths which is related with flat-notes. Yes, the Circle Of fourths is about is the notes:

Gb – Abm – Bbm – Cb/B – Db – Ebm – Fm7b5 – Gb

at the picture, you see Cb is red, while Cb is B note. so why bother?

  • first: it is to avoid the two same note written on one line. you can see there is B flat(Bb), and if i wrote Cb as B, there will be two same notes (Bb and B).
  • second. it is a useful chord writing in understanding scales and modes. it is in the different section of learning. we keep notes like Cb and B#, E# and Fb stay written as is, in order to understand the note degrees and analyze the intervals.
  • third is, well, that’s all i know for this. i will add this sections as soon as i find out more about this.


Circle of Fourths and Fifths…
— The Guitar Learner (@theguitarlearn) May 10, 2013

i put the diagram in various places so anybody can access them, while i may need more to add in this section, so responses and critics are my most welcome.

i had promised there are three circles in this topic and the next one will be the GooglePlus circles. I made this blog with a huge vision of learning and sharing, and i try to make decent connections between all the guitar learnerd around the world. so i made this blog :

the continuation of this post would be The Circle of fifths, but I’m still thinking about it, since it has the same ideas in learning the circle of fourth and i have to present it in different approaching method. but for now, all i can say about the circle of fifths is, following the red guy on the diagram will get you the circle of fifths notes. the one with sharp-notes, counter clock-wise direction, using the fifth notes as the point.

respond is highly appreciated. thanks