Blues, why? Why not?

Some say that when we learn guitar playing, it’s a direct fast lane to Bluesmusic, and i believe that. Some of us might said “no! it’s METAL! distortions! the spirit of on-stage performances take control!” or even such like, “you’re totally misunderstood,  the notes will lead us into harmony, yet jazzy or classical, it’s a way in understanding beautiful scientific-audible math.. bla bla..” “blahh..”

blues for guitar
Add blues on your playing

yes, i still believe in blues. somehow it connects all guitar players, and connecting guitar players to other music players and the audiences. what is blues, actually? it’s only a music genre, right? what’s so special about it? here some thoughts i have about it.

blues is inside of guitarists’ hands. it’s pentatonic, just like world traditional scales in almost every cultures. when it comes to guitar playing, blues is the place where the wrong notes against the right ones and collaborate. it is allowed us to explore more. No judgements, sins and punishments for the wrong blues notes since they are the part in balancing and perfecting the right blues notes. each note helps each other to become perfect harmony. you can’t be so right in notes without knowing and experiencing the wrong ones.
the wrong against the right” – quoted from Don Mock: The Blues From Rock To Jazz.

other source i agree with, is quoted from Rod Stewart. on my understanding, he said that in modern music, Blues is the catalyst. each of music genre is connected with blues, and they may be the branches from the blues as root.

one more thing about why it is important in guitar learning is, blues teaches and connects us guitar players in humble way. slow, medium of fast bluestempo will connect various interests. the  bluesnotes trigger the eagerness of beginner guitar players, while the advanced/experienced players will get deep understanding with the history of it. (this music genre carries vast histories among people around the world, see more at wikipedia about blues)

it’s a brief about blues. very interesting isn’t it? well, i hope you can see it through my thoughts about this and i guess I’ll keep loving blues like i always do.

About Eric Clapton

this mister Eric Patrick Clapton is one of the greatest guitar player. a solo artist, and was a member of the Yardbirds and Cream. what i really know about him isn’t much, but it’s more than enough for me to acknowledge his achievements. his ability in guitar playing and song writing has inspired a lot of people beyond his generation.

for the very first time i heard his voice through his song “wonderful tonight”, i was a 12 years old kid, knew nothing about anything but that song lasts on my mind. it’s like an introduction to mature and stylish love, a decent young gentleman who loves his gorgeous girl with all his nerve and adoration. it has catchy blues guitar licks which made any guitarists want to try it. for me, “Wonderful Tonight” is like a guidance to prom party which will help any young man to get his girl in stylish and decent way.

next song which came to my ears is “tears in heaven” when i was in senior high school back then, just few months afer i got my first acoustic guitar. again, i knew nothing about this song until i learnt to play it. what a grieve feeling that shocked my heart when i read and sang the lyrics at that time. “this guy is crazy. he could kill people with his songs”. i continued learning guitar after that moment, forgetting about Eric Clapton, expanding my guitar learning, licks, arpeggios, distortions and whatsoever stuff, yet i will not forget that grieve feeling i experienced just only by listening “Tears In Heaven“.

next moment was when my friend shared videoclip, eric clapton’s live performing “i shot he sherrif”. yes it is bob marley’s song, but eric clapton’s version brought blues idealism and reggae freedom idea into one clean liveshow. this video tickles me and i start to find anything about eric clapton. his Cream band, a power trio with drummer Ginger Baker and bassist Jack Bruce in which Clapton played sustained blues improvisations and “arty, blues-based psychedelic pop (quoted from wikipedia, what a quote) is one fine blues. my blues learning was ignited by this guy and i love blues since then.

Martin 000-28

Eric Clapton uses many guitars, and Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster® Electric Guitar and Martin 00028EC Eric Clapton Model Acoustic Guitarare the best you can get from the store nowadays. And you might want to read article about how he love his guitars here at news. it’s amazing story when you heard someone donates his guitars for charity.

as a guitar learner, Eric Clapton has my respect. his playing and songs have been accompanying and teaching me lots of things. at least 3 minutes talk or a picture of me and him shaking hands would be a life time memorable moment. but actually, i want to meet Eric Clapton and have my first electric guitar scratched with knife by him.