
welcome to my site. this is my safe haven and i like it so much. The Guitar Learner site had been my intention since i knew how beautiful a guitar is and here i am, making posts about learning guitar playing, stuff about guitars and I’m enjoying all of it.

This site is my idea about getting serious in sharing the love of guitar and its contribution to music world wide. of course I’m not the greatest guitar player sharing everything here. my goal is my own improvement in guitar playing by sharing what I’ve known and got some feedback about them. I believe in the power of sharing can bring us to the next level. so, everyone’s feedback is most welcome here. everyone is suggested to share opinions (of course, no spamming).

you can always contact me regarding this guitar learning site by checking the social networks:
~ The Guitar Learner Facebook Page
~ The Guitar Learner LinkedIn Group
~ The Guitar Learner Pinterest
~ Guitars Enthusiast Tumblr


~ emailto: [email protected]

enjoy my site, don’t forget to subscribe and I’ll see you around


